Últimas Publicaciones


María Paz Casanova Laudien

Resumen. Contexto: El abandono de los estudios superiores es una problemática multifactorial que afecta a importante porcentaje de los estudiantes universitarios en Chile (MINEDUC, 2012b). Los afectados son los jóvenes que ven frustrados sus proyectos vocacionales, llevando sobre ellos el peso de las expectativas familiares. La vasta oferta educati…

Guillermo Ferreira Cabezas

Twenty-two families of multivariate covariance kernels on spheres, with their spectral representations and sufficient validity conditions

The modeling of real-valued random fields indexed by spherical coordinates arises in different disciplines of the natural sciences, especially in environmental, atmospheric and earth sciences. However, there is currently a lack of parametric models allowing a flexible representation of the spatial correlation structure of multivariate data located…

Bernardo Lagos Álvarez

A Type I Generalized Logistic Distribution: Solving Its Estimation Problems with a Bayesian Approach and Numerical Applications Based on Simulated and Engineering Data
The family of logistic type distributions has been widely studied and applied in the literature. However, certain estimation problems exist in some members of this family. Particularly, the three-parameter type I generalized logistic distribution presents these problems, where the parameter space must be restricted for the existence of their maximu…

Joel Muñoz Gutiérrez

Bootstrapping regression models with locally stationary disturbances

A linear regression model with errors following a time-varying process is considered. In this class of models, the smoothness condition both in the trend function and in the correlation structure of the error term ensures that these models can be locally approximated by stationary processes, leading to a general class of linear regression models wi…

Sebastián Niklitschek Soto

Complex Field Formulation of the Quantum Estimation Theory
We present a complex field formulation of the quantum Fisher estimation theory that works natively with complex statistics on the dependence of complex parameters. This states new complex versions of the main quantities and results of the estimation theory depending on complex parameters, such as Fisher information matrices and Cram\’er-Rao bounds….

Luisa Rivas Calabrán

On estimation and influence measures for the Negative Binomial regression model based on Q-function

In this paper the influence measures for the Negative Binomial regression model are presented. Based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function we derive some influence measures, such as case deletion (global influence) and local influence analysis. For the implementation of the influence measures we present explici…

Katia Sáez Carrillo

Conciencia prosódica acentual y comprensión lectora en niñas(os) con TDL en etapa de alfabetización inicial
Esta investigación se propone determinar si existe relación entre la conciencia prosódica (CP) y la comprensión lectora (CL) en una etapa de alfabetización inicial en niñas(os) con trastorno de desarrollo del lenguaje (TDL), y qué papel desempeña en dicha relación la variable TDL. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, transeccional y correlacional…

Jorge Figueroa Zúñiga

Geostatistical mixed beta regression: a Bayesian approach

This paper develops regression techniques for geostatistical data, with an emphasis in proportions measured on a continuous scale. Specifically, it deals with Beta regression models with mixed effects to control the spatial variability from a Bayesian approach. We use a suitable parametrization of the Beta distribution in terms of its mean and the…

Patricio Salas Fernández

A systematic comparative evaluation of machine learning classifiers and discrete choice models for travel mode choice in the presence of response heterogeneity
Discrete choice models has been for decades the most used technique to model travel mode choice, being the multinomial logit (MNL) the most popular model among them. Several versions of the MNL model have been proposed, such as the mixed multinomial logit (MMNL) model which takes into account unobserved taste heterogeneity. On the other hand, machi…