Últimos Proyectos


María Paz Casanova Laudien

LEXIKON: Automated assessment system of lexical development in Spanish-speaking children (FONDEF IT21I0098)
To develop an automated system (web and mobile) to assess lexical development in Spanish-speaking children, which detects the lexical profile of students from pre-kindergarten to 4th grade and provides a guide for activities implementation and decision-making at local and national levels.

Joel Muñoz Gutiérrez

Bioequivalence in Highly Variable Drugs. Comparing the Scaled and Two-Stage Approaches
This project is one of the lines of work inside the GRBio (Research Group in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, https://www.fib.upc.edu/en/research/resarch-groups/grbio-biostatistics-and-bioinformatics-research-group), a joint research group integrated by researchers from different areas of expertise at the Universitat de

Sebastián Niklitschek Soto


Katia Sáez Carrillo

Fondecyt Regular 1212032 «Escenarios de inundaciones fluviales en un contexto de cambio climático y de uso de suelo en cuencas hidrográficas del centro-sur de chile: aportes para una planificación urbana sostenible” (2021-2024)
Evaluar escenarios de inundaciones fluviales bajo un contexto de cambio climático y cambios de uso de suelo en cuencas del centro-Sur de Chile al año 2050, con el objeto de proponer criterios para una planificación urbana sostenible que incorpore el enfoque de infraestructura verde.